Contract Hire For Business - Our G...
The rise in company car tax over the years has seen a slight decrease in contract hire for business over the years. But with new tax incentives business contract hire has made a ferocious comeback – especially with those looking for fully electric vehicles.
We’re able to provide business...

Brexit and the Car Market
As January 31st is creeping up on us, we are now expecting the big event to come – Brexit. Most of us thought this day would never come (and it probably won’t – let’s be honest) but we are to expect the new impacts it will bring; whether that never-ending deadline is met or not. It is planne...

Winter Driving
The British winter is unpredictable so make sure you are prepared! Snow and winter weather conditions can massively affect our daily routine, here’s a list of some of our favourite and most useful winter driving tips that could hopefully make the struggle of driving in winter weather a bit les...

Personal Car Leasing – Our Guide
Personal car leasing has seen a huge increase in popularity in recent years. This isn’t just a fluke, there’s many reasons why we think it’s a great option.
We have a wide range of personal car lease deals available. You can either view our special offer stock vehicles. Or order one d...

On the surface you appear to be dealing with a reputable company but dig a little deeper and often the perceived quality doesn’t ring true.What You Should Look Out For:Bedroom BrokersBedroom brokers are called such as they generally work from their bedrooms. The internet has brought a rise to a hi...

We’ve gone corporate with the Ne...
This week we’ve pimped out the new BMW X2 with a variety of our own branded goodies. A special thanks to Direct Print and Promotions for doing such an excellent job on this!
Released in March 2018, the BMW X2 is still a somewhat newbie on the car leasing scene. Whilst it’s not the most talked a...

Low Emissions Zones
Low emission zones are now being considered and implemented up and down the country. With climate change now at the forefront of the national debate, it seems like low emission zones will become the norm. There are now low emission zones (LEZ’s) in London and Norwich. As well as European cities su...

The History of Ford
Ford motor company is one of the worlds largest family owned companies and has a rich and lengthy history. The Ford motor company was started by engineer and budding mechanic Henry Ford. On June 4th 1896, Mr Ford released his first invention – The Quadricycle. The QuadricycleThis early motor ...

Fleet Management
What is fleet management?
Fleet management involves managing the commercial vehicles and cars of a business or organisation. This involves the maintenance, management and renewal of commercial vehicles in order to keep your business running smoothly.
What are the problems with fleet management?